Chung Do Kwan
1940s’ Chung Do Kwan
1944. 9. 15. Opening Dang Su Do Chung Do Kwan
Appointed Mr. Lee Won Kuk, Tae Kwon Do creator as a first Grand Master of Dang Su Do Chung Do Kwan
- Opened Young Chun Dojang at Young Shin High School in Seoul
1945. 6. First Dang Su Do Chung Do Kwan belt test
Master. Lee Won Kuk, Chung Do Kwan creator, become a role as a pioneer by opening personal dojang in1940s
1945. 8. 15. Moved Dojang to Master Lee’ s house at independence Day
1945. 10. Moved Dang Su Do Chung Do Kwan creator to Chongro-Ku Gyunj i-Dong Chi Chun Kyo Church = > the second leap
1945. 11. The second Chung Do Kwan belt test
Belt test once per 6 months at that time
1946. Sent demonstration team to Cho Sun Yeon Mu Kwan belt test and showed Taekwondo demonstration
1946. Sent Yeon Mu demonstration team to Song Mu Kwan opening ceremony, Gesung
1947. Sent Yeon Mu demonstration team to Kwon Bub Bu opening ceremony, YMCA Gymanasium
1948. Appointed Chung Do Kwan high-rank black holders as a judge at Mu Duk Kwan Dangsudo belt test
1949. Sent Uhm Woon Kyu and taught Taekwondo at Army- Telecommunication Taekwondo Club
1950s’ Chung Do Kwan
In 1950s, propagated nationally sjill system as a Taekwondo pinoeer, attempted to open branches, and supervised Taekwondo
demonstration and championships.
1950. 6. 25. Due to Korean War, took refuge to south and taught Taekwondo at Refuge School, Pusan
Master Hyun Jong Myung and Master Lee Won Kuk went from Pusan to Japan
Master Uhm Woon Kyu went into army and served for 5 years and tried to teach Taekwondo in the army
1952. Created army Communication Part Taekwondo team Master Uhm Woon Kyu taught as a trainer master
1953. When recovered country, re-moved Chung Do Kwan to Shi Chun Kyo church
Be appointed Shon Duk Seong as a grand master
1953. Hyun Jong Myung began to teach at the Korea Millitary Academy
1955. Published Kwom Bup text book
Writer: Master Uhm Woon Kyu
Pulisher: General Choi Suck Nam
1955. 2. After Master Uhm Woon Kyu discharged from the army. Chung Do Kwan became active
1955. 3. 26. Yeon Mu championships at the Korea preasient Lee Seun Man birthday
Yeon Mu demonstration by Chung Do Kwan demonstration team
1955. 6. Re-named Dangsudo as Taekwondo
1955. 8. Practice at Gonyang Agriculture high-school
1955.10. Opened Yeon Mu Championships at Taekwondo rename celebration day at Si Gong Kwan, Myungdong
1955.10. Published first issue of Taekwondo Chung Do Kwan quarterly
1956. 3. Opened Kwonuhoi at Seoul University
with a shout concentration at Seoul College laboratory along with Liberal, Medical, law, fine arts, and dental students.
1956. 3. Opened Seoul University Sangsonghoi and Master Uhm Woon Kyu taught Taekwondo
1956. 3. 26. Korea President Lee Seung Man Yeon Mu demonstration at Cho Sun Yeon Mu Kwan
1956. 6. Opened Seon Kyun Kwan University Tae Kwon Do Club Master Hun Jong Meong taught and then Master Uhm Woon Kyu
Opened Kyung Hee University Tae Kwon Do club Master Hun Jong Meon taught
Opened Korea Millitary Academy Tae Kwon Do club Master Son Duk Song and Hyun Jong Meong taught
Opened Dong Kuk University Tae Kwon Do club Master Min Und Hik taught
Chung Ang University Master Park Hae Man taught
Kun Kook University Master Park Hae Man taught
Boankyouk University Master Park Hae Man taught
City Agriculture University (Sanup Uni.)
City College University (Myungji Uni.)
1956. 11. Yeonmu demonstration as opening cermenoy of Chung Do Kwan at Kwandju. Chulanamdo.
Sent 12 black belts under the lead of Master Uhm Woon Kyu
Master Ko Jae Chun taught
1957. Fight with Master Lee Jong Woo and Uhm Woon Kyu at President Mr. Lee birthday party
1957. Opened National Tae Kwon Do Student Federation
The first belt test at Dong Kuk University
1957. Sent Master Cho Sung il to Kwang Reung Hight School
1957. National Tae Kwon Do Demontration Championships
1957. Opened Chun Chun Branch
Sent Master Kim Sung Jae
1957. Opened each city and province branches nationally
1958. Relayed Grand Master Lee Won Kuk to Uhm Woon Kyu
Selected Uhm Woon Kyu as the 3rd Grand Master
1959. Took a Ii Ji Mae movie
Master Uhm Woon Kyu directed Tae Kwon Do skills
1960s’ Chung Do Kwan
1960. Tae Kwon Do Demonstration at the Blue House in the face of President Yun Bo Sun and General Choi Hong Hee
1961. 4. Master Lee Won Kuk visited mother country Korea
1961. 5. 16. Master Lee Won Kuk re-moved to Japan due to Korea
Millitary Revolution
1961. 9. Opened Korea Tae Su Do Association
Created the assocation with 5 Kwans through Uhm Woon Kyu master‘s intercession
Master Uhm began to take office at the association as a director
Master Uhm worked himself for the Tae Kwon Do and took office as Kukkiwon president
1966. Master Lee Won Kuk second visit
1966. Published Tae Kwon Do text book at Chung Do Kwan under the name of Lee Won Kuk
1969. Second moved from Chi Chun church to Deo Dae Mun Mug Ung Hwa hairdressing school (3rd Floor)
In 1960s’ Master Uhm Woon Kyu was the first to open Korea Tae Kwon Do Association and devoted to lead the
national association for Tae Kwon Do.
1970s’ Chung Do Kwan
1974. 8. Chung Do Kwan relocation
Moved from a building 6th floor next to Dae Woo Building, Seoul Station, Third relocation
In 1970s, Many Chung Do Kwan Masters went into the world contributed to globalize Tae Kwon Do
1980’ Chung Do Kwan
1980. 9. Moved Chung Do Kwan from Dae Woo Building, Seoul Station to Myo Dong, Chongro-Ku, Fourth relocation
1990s’ Chung Do Kwan
1995. 8. Moved from Myo Dang, Chongro-Ku to Dong Dae Munku, Imun 2-Dong, Fifth relocation
1995. 10. Opened 1st National Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do Championships (Chun Gam Elementary School)
1997. 11. Opened 2nd National Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do Championships (Su Saek Elementary School)
1999. 10. Opened 3rd National Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do Championships (Yong In Indoor Gymnasium)
2000s’ Chung Do Kwan
2003. 11. 15. Seminar for game rules of Chung Do Kwan
2003. 11. 30. The 4th National Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do Championships
2004. 3. Appointed Master Uhm Woon Kyu as Kukkiwon president
2004. 12. 4. The 60th celebration ceremony of opening Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do
2005. 2. 26. The 5th National Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do Championships
2006. 9. Moved Chung Do Kwan from Dong Dae Munku Lee Mun Dong to Kang Nam Ku Yeok Sam Dong
2007. 2. 11. The 6th National Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do Championships
2007. 8. 18. 2007 seminar for Chung Do Kwan Leadership Education
2008. ~ Seminar 2 times per year in America and Europe
2010s’ Chung Do Kwan
2010. ~ Seminar 2 times per year in America and Europe
2011. ~ Seminar 2 times per year in America and Europe
2012. ~ Approval of Chung Do Kwan Branch in China (Master Um Ki Young)
2013. ~ Approval of Chung Do Kwan Branch in Mexico (Master Yo Ha O)
2014. 01. 01. Appointed Master Un Woon Kyu as World Chung Do Kwan President
2014. 02. 06. Appointed Jung Man Soon as Kukkiwon President
2016. 05. 26. Retired Jung Man Soon as Kukkiwon President
2016. 06. 25. Appointed Chun Chul Ki as Chula Book Do president
2016. 07. 15. Appointed Hong Seong Cheon as Kukkiwon Chairman
2016. 07. 16~18. Summer seminar fot World Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan
Chung Do Kwan Song
1. On the long and long history we build tradition.
As a undefeatable martial arts we raise flag Strongly we reach out and every where
we go, weenlighten Tae Kwon Do our Chung Do Kwan
2. Advance for our country and people and raise courage and spirit.
3. Rooted in the Five oceans and western and eastern area inform Chung Do Kwan to all
the people
4. For cooperation of all world Tae Kwon Do men struggle and try our Chung Do Kwans
World Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan Headquarter’s role
1. Chung Do Kwan cooperation, consulting and support for Tae Kwon Do
2. Tae Kwon Do Seminar and special instruction of foreigner Chung Do Kwan
3. Study and distribution of Tae Kwon Do theory and skills
4. Sending and supporting of Chung Do Kwan master and
5. Special instruction for Kukkiwon high-rank belt test (6th~9th Dan)
6. National Tae Kwon Do championships (twice per year)
Affiliated Chung Do Kwan train gymnasium
Affiliated Chung Do Kwan Education Academy
Membership Oath:
~ We, as members, train our spirits and bodies according to the strict code.
~ We, as members, are united in mutual friendship.
~ We, as members, will comply with regulations and obey instructors.